If you were a superhero or villain, how powerful, fast, and awesome would you be?  Would you be able to defeat all your foes or is there that one arch enemy out there that is your equal?

One Big online Fitness Party!

Because life is just a giant Gym and being healthy and fit makes life WAYYY better, what better way than to support and encourage EVERYONE to live healthier, get stronger, and look sexier!  I present to you:  The Bad Asses, Beast Mode Competition, and Battle of the Sexes events! 

The End of the World Survivability Test

Want to know how well you’d stack up if shit ever hits the fan and the world was coming to an end?  Do you think you have the physical strength and endurance to survive the end of the word?  Find out, take the End of the World Survivability test!

The Spartan Race Is a Good Time

Over the past few years I have started participating in Obstacle Course races.  Some people nerd-out about these kind of events.  They are hardcore about their fastest time and fastest way to navigate the obstacle.  Go them.  But most of them are skinny and overall weak individuals.  Yeah, their ‘strength to weight‘ ratio is good,…