How to Workout When It is Over 100 Degrees Outside

Go to a gym with AC. Boom. Done. Problem solved. Now, what if you don’t have a gym membership or even a gym close enough and you workout at home? It’s odd that we got asked this. What we can’t figure out is why someone wants to workout, outside, in the blazing heat, when they have AC at a gym and AC in their home. So, for the sake of answering this question and continue the streak of not getting stumped, for the sake of argument, we will help those who don’t have anywhere to go with AC.

Since it is consistently over 100 degrees and factoring in the humidity it can even feel to be around 110 outside, the first and most important issue is HYDRATION.

Pound down a 20oz water with electrolytes a few hours before your workout. This will ensure that the parts of your body that need hydration, will be hydrated. Then, while you are working out, ensure you are constantly drinking water between sets and exercises to you can replace the water that has been lost.

If you feel such a strong need to workout, outside, in the blazing heat, instead of inside your home; find a shaded place. Don’t do strenuous workouts in direct sunlight, that’s unnecessary and you don’t gain any additional cool points from any for that. Plus, the use of a TREE to lean against for various workouts or uses for bands, pullies, and whatever else you are working out with, can be helpful.

Here we are, you are hydrated, continually hydrating, and working out under a tree in the shade… but its still 90+ degrees in the shade. Because it is still hot AF and even though you are hydrated, you will NEED to pay close attention to your body. Body weight workouts, resistance bands, kettle bells, dumbbells, whatever you use, your muscles are losing water at a higher rate than normal. Cramping will become a factor as your workout goes on. Also, your mouth will dry up and you will be crazy thirsty but if that thirsty goes away and your body stops sweating, than it’s time to pause or completely stop your workout. What usually comes next, will make your entire workout pointless.

Your body will start becoming weak and overly fatigued, even though you know you’ve been able to do more before. After that comes the headache, and dizziness. At this point, your workout will have no benefit and you are just pushing yourself to a place that is damaging, not improving. These are the beginning symptoms of real Dehydration. The kind that, if ignored, could send you to the hospital for having a heat stoke. And if you pass out due to heat exhaustion, in the blazing heat, all alone somewhere next to some random tree… All anyone can do is send you positive thoughts at that point, wherever you are.

Don’t. Just go out and get a gym membership or do your workout in your house. If your house doesn’t have AC, workout with a friend at their house… something… don’t try to see how tough you are in these temperatures. The idea is the GROW lean mass and burn body fat, get stronger, faster, with more endurance; not kill yourself in the heat. There is no badge of honor in that. Just straight self-seeking attention and stupidity.

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