How To Guide

We are just a bunch of fun loving fitness nerds that want to have fun with the rest of the world. We have set up a FREE competition of sorts all of which is directly related to YOUR performance and gainz.

Each EVENT will have its own set of rules, expectations, and calculations that will spit out a “score” of sorts, again, based on the data you in-put. You can check out the EVENTS in the menu above, or click here


In order to even be able to participate, you must first “register.” That word, “register” sounds bad but really all you’re doing is filling out some quick and necessary information. One of the things you need to create when you register, is your “LifeGymID.” This “ID” is sorta like a password, key, and screen name all rolled into one. It connects the data you input, with… you. Without it, we don’t know whos data was submitted. This ID should NEVER be given to anyone or made public. You also want to make sure you spell it the same every time. If not, your data will not get updated. The next important thing you will create is your “Stage” name. If you want to remain anonymous, you can. You just make up a name that will be used for anything posted to the public.

If you haven’t already, REGISTER HERE

Again, registration is free. We at LifeGym will NEVER EVER ask you for money or any sort of financial account information, except for a sort of Bitcoin wallet (if you win an event). If someone does contact you claiming to be with LG asking for account information, please contact us ASAP and DO NOT provide any information.

If you need to change or update information in the Registration form, AFTER you have already submitted it, no biggie, just CONTACT US and we will update it for you. DO NOT fill out a registration form again.


Updating your data and stats is one of the most important things to do here. There are only a couple of workouts that we ask for your one max rep (1MR). Same for body weight workouts and run times. That’s it. This information is used to calculate the various scores for the various events.

If you haven’t already, UPDATE YOUR STATS HERE

Yes, it is a bit on the honor system. BUT, we aren’t morons either. Its obvious bullsh*t when some small dude who weighs 130 lbs, but claims to bench press 500 lbs… Also, we see how often you update your stats, so fishing for points by constantly updating stats to get a certain score is obvious to us too. We will contact you first. If we are unable to contact you, we will block the recent stat updates and keep your old stats until we are contacted or you reply to us. Any kind of foolery and spam, we will just block your IP and everything about you. If you made an error in your stats update, and want to correct it, please just shot us a message letting us know.

When updating your stats, you DO NOT have to fill out the whole form completely, just the workout you want to update. If you had a new 1MR PR for bench, that’s all you need to update, for example. Just update what needs to be updated, that’s it.

All you really need to do is do a quick update after a workout or once a week or something. If your numbers changes right after you updated, no biggie, just update it later or as long as it is before the end of the event you are trying to win.

But, to maximize your scoring in the events, you want to fill out as much of the form as possible. Maybe even have a gym day or two just doing those workouts on the form to have it complete. By NOT updating each and everything workout on the form (there aren’t that many), you will be missing some points for events and your scores will reflect that. We recommend spending 1 or 2 days just doing the workouts listed on the form, then update the ones you workout regularly from then on.

Our simple ‘All Around Workout’ does the trick:

DAY 1 – WEIGHTS: Bench press, 1MR; Back row, 1MR; Shoulder press, 1MR; Bicep curls, 1MR; Deadlift, 1MR; Squat, 1MR; Leg press, 1MR.

DAY 2 – CARDIO: 400 meter- 1/4mile Sprint; 2 mile run time; 5k run time.

DAY 3 – BODY WEIGHT: Max Push Ups; max Pull Ups; max V-Ups; max Jump Squats; and max Burpees.

And done. This three day workout tackles all the data we use to create the scores for the various events. Do the All Around Workout and you will have all the data you need to maximize every score for every event.

Use the proper data entry FORMAT. When updating a run time, please use “00:00:00” or HH:MM:SS, Hours: Minutes: Seconds, format. When entering a percentage, use the decimal format, 0.25 for 25%. There are prompts on the form that state this as well. Also, the data is a TOTAL; what we mean by this is if you do dumb bell Bicep curls, curling 35 lbs each arm, you would enter 70 Lbs. The TOTAL of both muscle groups. Same with Back Rows.

Your data, such as any of the information you submit when updating your stats, will never be made public without your request and consent.

Bookmark or save the Update Your Stats page so that it is just quick and easy updating your stats.


All those various workouts/data points in the Update Your Stats form are used to calculate 4 other important scores: Power, Conditioning, Cardio, and Speed. Then from there, we use all the data to estimate the scores for the events.

The 4 primary scores are, in most cases, based off of your strength to your body weight ratio. This allows the scoring to be more competitive and fair. So its less of your strength verses someone else’s strength, because a fit chick verses a massive super body builder Olympian wouldn’t’ be fair. BUT there are some events were the total strength is used verses someone else’s total strength, such as the Fight Club Events.

Workout –> Primary Scores –> Event algorithm –> Event Score

Bench Press 1MR –> Power –> Various fighting points algorithm –> Fight Club Score

But these numbers and how exactly they are calculated is secret. If they were known, they would be used to manipulate scores; so the exact calculation remains unpublished. But all calculations are applied equally to all participants.

Some scores depreciate over time, such as in the Zombie Apocalypses Events. Every day your score is reduced. To remain “alive” you must IMPROVE your data, thus, increases your score, or keep it above 0.


Each event has a different area of focus which calculates the data differently for the unique score of that event. Some events focus on strength and power, others focus on cardio and conditioning. Yet others focus on vanity.

Some events will take place annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, or spontaneously. So you always want to keep your stats up to date.

Majority of these events are auto-enrolls, where you are automatically enrolled and become a participate automatically, if you are registered.

For more details about an event, go to the Events and read up on them.

Stay informed and keep an eye on the scores at Scores and Rankings, in the menu above. You may consider bookmarking this page as well.


If you are a winner of an event, we will publish an article about you and your hard work. The article will not give out exact numbers of your data or any personal information besides your stage name, and any other information you provide to us upon request and consent of what to make public.

To SUBMIT an image or a draft article of your own, please GO HERE. BUT if you are going to submit anything, please read our Submission guidelines first!

Some events the winner is gifted some Bitcoins as part our thanks for supporting us and the event. For this, you will need a Bitcoin wallet for us to send the Bitcoins to.

Our promotions of the winner is not just on this site, but our social media as well. Also, some of our partners will promote on their social media accounts as well. Thousands of people will see the accomplishment of the winner.

We DO allow the winner to promote themselves and any organization or business they support (as long as it’s not a business or organization that is objectionable).

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please CONTACT US!