Understanding your weight fluctuations

The scale can be deceiving.   You may lose body fat and gain muscle mass, and gain weight instead of lose weight.  You may gain body fat but lose muscle mass, and still lose weight according to the scale.  How do you properly interpret the information from the scale?

The Propaganda About Body Image

[*HONESTY WARNING*]  Body Image says a lot about a person.  If they have self-control or full of excuses.  If they blame themselves or if they blame others.  If they respect themselves or if they don’t.  But, in the modern spoiled society, poor body images are glorified.  And to support this glorification of unhealthy living they…

Fun Stats and Data to Track For Motivation and Results

Before you can use any sort of bodily formulas and calculations, you need to collect, at a minimum, the following data points:  Age, Height, Weight, Neck measurement, Waist measurement, and wrist measurement.  From these 6 data points, you can calculate all kinds of cool stuff.