Fit Together: The Dynamic Duo of Fitness – Why an Accountability Partner is Your Secret Weapon

Picture this: You’re on a fitness journey, determined to break a sweat, conquer your goals, and achieve your desired results. The initial excitement is palpable, but as time goes on, the enthusiasm wanes, and that cozy couch or other fun things start looking more tempting than the treadmill and weights. This is where the superhero…

Being a Fitness “Influencer” is All the Rage

Suddenly, everyone wants to be a fitness influencer, thanks to TikTok, YouTube, and IG Reels. But the reality is this: if your camera and tripod is in my way while I’m trying to workout, you have zero influence over me, you will move your shit or I will become an influencer in your video too….

How Do You Know If You Are Wasting Your Time Working-out?

Time is money. Time is valuable. And the way things are for the common person now-a-days, there really isn’t a lot of time to waste. What if you were working out around 3 days a week, 1.5 hours, that’s 4.5 hours a week, 18 hours a month, and 108 hours in only 6 months. What…

Break the Ice and Make a New Gym Buddy

Lots and lots of people go to the gym. Most people, don’t even talk to each other. They are like a herd of sheep that just show up, do some things, don’t say a word, and then leave. They all see each other, they are aware of each other, and each other’s workouts, but, they…

Be Part of the Gym Ecosystem: Making New Friends at the Gym

Get excited to attend the gym! Making new friends at the gym can have numerous physical and mental health benefits. Plus, they can make your gym experience so much more enjoyable. Learn more about the health effects, scientific studies, uses, cultural perceptions, and applicability in daily life of making friends in the gym.

REAL Proper Gym Etiquette

We see all these signs posted in the gym and all these out of shape people talking like they know how we all should and shouldn’t workout; but, let’s be real: here are the REAL proper gym etiquette and rules to follow: “Please re-rack your weights” Seems like the polite thing to do. Sounds nice….

Our Dieting Experiences and research

We’ve tried all kinds of diets and have found key elements in them all that explains why they are effective on our human bodies. Reduced sugar intake Maintain Calorie Deficit Increased Protein intake There are all sorts of named diets out there: Keto Paleo Vegan Atkins Weight Watchers Our Related Articles: