Tis the Season for Bulking and then Cutting: The Yin and Yang of Mass and Definition

Bodybuilding and Physique competitions are fascinating sports that requires tremendous discipline, unwavering dedication, and relentless hard work. It is a testament to the power of the human body’s ability to transform itself through relentless effort and determination. As mentioned, bodybuilding is not merely about lifting weights; it involves the art of sculpting and refining the…

How Long Does It Take Before You Start Seeing Results?

This is the ever important question that anyone and everyone asks once they start working out. But the results depend on you, your discipline, and your consistency. And not all “results” are the same. Results can be different based on the different goals. Weight Loss and building muscle will have different results. Yes you can…

What Does The Science Say About burning Belly Fat?

Just googling “burn belly fat” and you find hundreds, if not thousands, of sites and videos that talk about steps, ways, plans, diets, workouts, pills, magic, anything, everything on the does and don’ts, hows and how tos, to burn body fat. Filter out all the hype and sales pitches, let’s look at what studies have…

How to REALLY Get “Rid” of Fat Cells

So much misinformation about burning fat, fat loss, and losing weight. So, we are going to set the record straight with what current research is telling us. First and foremost, to just get this out of the way, you don’t “lose” fat cells. They just shrink, die, and quickly get replaced. And that seems to…

Understanding your weight fluctuations

The scale can be deceiving.   You may lose body fat and gain muscle mass, and gain weight instead of lose weight.  You may gain body fat but lose muscle mass, and still lose weight according to the scale.  How do you properly interpret the information from the scale?

Targeted Fat Reduction, a myth?

We see all kinds of workouts that “target fat around our belly, hips, or thighs,” but does it really? Is targeted fat reduction real? How does the body burn fat and how does it choose where to take it from?