Navigating the Festive Feasts: A Weight-Wise Wonderland

As the festive season dawns upon us, so does the irresistible allure of sumptuous feasts, decadent desserts, and bottomless glasses of holiday cheer. While it’s the season to be jolly, it often turns into a perilous journey for those trying to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain. Fear not! This guide is your secret weapon…

Ways to Take Control of Your Eating Habits

A lot of people already know what kind of food they need to eat and what food they need to stop eating, but putting this knowledge into practice, consistently, is the hardest part for 99% of all people. There are all kinds of ideas to address this, from crash quitting, forced eating, dietary habit changes,…

Obesity, Confronting the Truth Head On

This is a serious mental issue that has serious physical implications. Society has sacrificed healthy living, addressing mental health issues, and bodily care with this fake sense of inclusion and pseudo-support. The truth is Obesity, in all external causations, is a serious issue that we must talk about and address, and not accept, include, or…

Ingredients to Look Out for in Your Food

America, is more free then most, to put whatever the hell they want in their foods, healthy stuff and even the unhealthy stuff. It’s you, the consumer, that needs to care about your health and to use your eyes and read the ingredients listed on the box to decide if you want to ingest that…

The Simple Diet for (almost) All Goals

Diet is KEY for ALL fitness and health goals, period. Without a healthy proper diet, you want burn body fat, you won’t build muscle, you want give your body enough of what it needs to achieve your goals. So, HERE is a SIMPLE diet that supports just about all fitness goals. Now, clearly, this wont…

What exactly are “Processed” Foods?

We hear all the hoopla about “processed foods are bad for you” and this and that, but just about ALL food we eat is processed in some way. To make this worse, there is no, single, universal, understanding of what composes “processed foods” to begin with. So, we are going to dive to the bottom…

Healthier Dietary Options at Gas Stations

Yeah, you read it right. For those of you who are constantly on the go, on the road, and make constant pit stops at gas stations and corner stores, there are options for you. Now, we aren’t saying they are the healthiest options, but, given the circumstances and limitations, there are healthier options. To choose…

Antibiotic-Free, Cage-Free, GMO-free, Food

Is antibiotic-free, cage-free, GMO-free, food better?  Are there any harmful side-effects to humans?  Is it immoral and unethical?  Are there health benefits?  All these questions are important but we must focus on the science and hard data, not on our feelings and the emotionalistic aspect of the topic.  I will answer, Is antibiotic-free, cage-free, GMO-free,…

Diet and Fitness, on a budget

We aren’t all wealthy rich sissies that have their own personal trainers and personal chefs that live in our big guest house with our personal drivers, all organized by our personal assistant.  That’s just not the majority of us.  But we all want and need a healthy diet and to be fit, and most of…

How to get started on The King of Diets.

Getting started is the hardest part for most people.  You need to find your motivation, you need to discipline yourself, and most of us need to clean out our refrigerators and pantry.  But once you do all that, everything else becomes easier, like meal sizes, eating frequency, calorie and macro counting.  This article will go…

Diet Is King, and here is The King Diet

There is nothing more critical for the health of the human body than the diet.  You can lose weight, burn body fat, and or gain muscle, all from what you eat.  It can also quickly or slowly kill you.  When it comes to health and fitness, your diet is paramount!  So, HERE is a perfect,…