Fit Together: The Dynamic Duo of Fitness – Why an Accountability Partner is Your Secret Weapon

Picture this: You’re on a fitness journey, determined to break a sweat, conquer your goals, and achieve your desired results. The initial excitement is palpable, but as time goes on, the enthusiasm wanes, and that cozy couch or other fun things start looking more tempting than the treadmill and weights. This is where the superhero…

Being a Fitness “Influencer” is All the Rage

Suddenly, everyone wants to be a fitness influencer, thanks to TikTok, YouTube, and IG Reels. But the reality is this: if your camera and tripod is in my way while I’m trying to workout, you have zero influence over me, you will move your shit or I will become an influencer in your video too….

Don’t Waste Other People’s Time at the Gym

Similarly to our previous article How Do You Know If You Are Wasting Your Time Working-out? In this article we will get into the nit-and-gritty of how some gym-goers waste other people’s time as well as their own. There are a few “types” of gym-goers that waste other people’s time; what we like to call…

The Benefits of Gym Buddies

Piggy packing off our previous articles Be Part of the Gym Ecosystem, and Break The Ice and Make A New Gym Buddy, Making friends at the gym can be a fun, exciting, motiving, and rewarding experience. Not only can it help you stay motivated, but it can also provide a sense of community and belonging….