Tis the Season for Bulking and then Cutting: The Yin and Yang of Mass and Definition

Bodybuilding and Physique competitions are fascinating sports that requires tremendous discipline, unwavering dedication, and relentless hard work. It is a testament to the power of the human body’s ability to transform itself through relentless effort and determination. As mentioned, bodybuilding is not merely about lifting weights; it involves the art of sculpting and refining the…

Understanding your weight fluctuations

The scale can be deceiving.   You may lose body fat and gain muscle mass, and gain weight instead of lose weight.  You may gain body fat but lose muscle mass, and still lose weight according to the scale.  How do you properly interpret the information from the scale?

Only You Can Prevent – Muscle Loss

Losing muscle leads to the loss of strength, mobility, performance, and other negative health issues.  Sometimes you can workout too hardcore, that your body breaks down muscle for energy.  You think your doing so good losing all this weight but your really losing muscle and making your body less healthy.  What are things we can…

How to boost your Testosterone, naturally!

Injecting steroids is for losers and those cowards who are scared of the hard work, dedication, self discipline, self control, and self respect.  BUT testosterone is an extremely important factor in building muscle and burning body fat.   Supporting and increasing testosterone production isn’t as hard as you think.

Fun Stats and Data to Track For Motivation and Results

Before you can use any sort of bodily formulas and calculations, you need to collect, at a minimum, the following data points:  Age, Height, Weight, Neck measurement, Waist measurement, and wrist measurement.  From these 6 data points, you can calculate all kinds of cool stuff.