The LifeGym Max Day, Alpha

An important part of working out is knowing your 1MR (One max rep).  Studies show that if you are doing at least 60-70% of your 1MR, you will trigger muscle growth.  With that in mind, I introduce you to:  LifeGym Max Day Alpha or “LGMD(a).”

What does science say about the best way to building muscle?

Here are some guidelines set forth by findings in studies about building muscle.  These guidelines can be useful for creating a routine and exposing “for profit” exercise programs that harp on “You’ll lose all this weight!” but you are really just burning and losing muscle for energy.  Build muscle, get toned, and doing it the…

Muscle Building Routine

This routine is designed to for those “gainz.”  Not necessarily Body-Fat Burning focused but the more muscle the more energy needed, the more fat gets burned naturally anyway.

Fun Stats and Data to Track For Motivation and Results

Before you can use any sort of bodily formulas and calculations, you need to collect, at a minimum, the following data points:  Age, Height, Weight, Neck measurement, Waist measurement, and wrist measurement.  From these 6 data points, you can calculate all kinds of cool stuff.