Being a Fitness “Influencer” is All the Rage

Suddenly, everyone wants to be a fitness influencer, thanks to TikTok, YouTube, and IG Reels. But the reality is this: if your camera and tripod is in my way while I’m trying to workout, you have zero influence over me, you will move your shit or I will become an influencer in your video too….

The Benefits of Gym Buddies

Piggy packing off our previous articles Be Part of the Gym Ecosystem, and Break The Ice and Make A New Gym Buddy, Making friends at the gym can be a fun, exciting, motiving, and rewarding experience. Not only can it help you stay motivated, but it can also provide a sense of community and belonging….

Break the Ice and Make a New Gym Buddy

Lots and lots of people go to the gym. Most people, don’t even talk to each other. They are like a herd of sheep that just show up, do some things, don’t say a word, and then leave. They all see each other, they are aware of each other, and each other’s workouts, but, they…

Be Part of the Gym Ecosystem: Making New Friends at the Gym

Get excited to attend the gym! Making new friends at the gym can have numerous physical and mental health benefits. Plus, they can make your gym experience so much more enjoyable. Learn more about the health effects, scientific studies, uses, cultural perceptions, and applicability in daily life of making friends in the gym.

Science Shows Gyms Are NOT COVID Super-spreaders

Okay, so to be more specific and precise, COVID transmission in gyms “is rare” [1]. How odd, in a place where everyone is sweating everywhere, breathing on every thing, and touching everything. Or, at least that’s how the Cult of COVID like to paint gyms (or any place that doesn’t bow to them for that…

Do Wrist Wraps Work?

We see all sorts of people wearing wrist wraps while they work out. Some big guys lifting big weight with few reps and some small guys lifting a lot of small weights with a lot of reps, and everyone in between; all wearing wrist wraps. But, do they need to, and are they necessary? There…

REAL Proper Gym Etiquette

We see all these signs posted in the gym and all these out of shape people talking like they know how we all should and shouldn’t workout; but, let’s be real: here are the REAL proper gym etiquette and rules to follow: “Please re-rack your weights” Seems like the polite thing to do. Sounds nice….

Best 2020 Fitness Presidential Candidate

We don’t really get into politics but seeing as how politicians shut down our gyms and preach about how important health and hygiene is, it’s kinda relates.  Here we will look at the candidate who would be best for the health and fitness industry, given their track record.

Understanding The Various Types of Sets and Reps

There are 6 primary types of Sets 1. Straight Set; this is where you do 2 or more sets with the same amount of weight.  The common set and rep routine is 5 sets of 8-12 reps.  That means for each set you will do 8 to 12 reps of that workout and weight.  You…

Muscle Building Routine

This routine is designed to for those “gainz.”  Not necessarily Body-Fat Burning focused but the more muscle the more energy needed, the more fat gets burned naturally anyway.

Fat-Burn Weight Lifting Routine

This routine is not designed to for those “gainz” but rather it is for simotainious melting body fat and improving muscle endurance.