How Do You Know If You Are Wasting Your Time Working-out?

Time is money. Time is valuable. And the way things are for the common person now-a-days, there really isn’t a lot of time to waste. What if you were working out around 3 days a week, 1.5 hours, that’s 4.5 hours a week, 18 hours a month, and 108 hours in only 6 months. What…

Here’s Why Doing Cardio without Dieting is Less Effective

A lot of people think that if they just do a lot of cardio with the goal of losing weight, without evaluating their dietary habits, they will lose weight.  Most of those people end of giving up after a few weeks anyway.  Why doing cardio without dieting is less effective.

The Cult of CrossFit

That title of this Article is going to get me some hate-mail, but read my Article first before your panties all bunched up.  I consider the workouts, the life-style and culture, and safety risks, and some related studies before dishing out my opinion on the Cult of Crossfit.

The New Year, The New You, again…

Every New Years just about everyone wants to be a “new you”.  This idea gets bashed year after year.  But, this is STILL a motivational opportunity and factor and A LOT of people actually do change through their New Years resolutions.  Don’t waste a motivational opportunity, dig deep, find your reason, and apply it for…

LifeGym 28 Day Beast Mode Challenge

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY WEEK 1 Initial Weight and measurements. Max Day, Alpha Max Day, Bravo Max Day, Cardio Rest day 1 Body Weight, Upper Body Weight, Lower Total Body HIIT WEEK 2 Rest Day 2. Chest and Tricep; 4 workouts per muscle group, straight sets; 50% of 1MR, rep until failure,…

Routine for the Army ACFT

The Army revamped it’s useless APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) of just Sit Ups, Push Ups, and 2 mile run and transformed it into the ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test).  In some ways it is W A Y better than the APFT but in other ways, it’s kind of not.  Regardless, it is the new…

The LifeGym Max Day, Alpha

An important part of working out is knowing your 1MR (One max rep).  Studies show that if you are doing at least 60-70% of your 1MR, you will trigger muscle growth.  With that in mind, I introduce you to:  LifeGym Max Day Alpha or “LGMD(a).”

What does science say about the best way to building muscle?

Here are some guidelines set forth by findings in studies about building muscle.  These guidelines can be useful for creating a routine and exposing “for profit” exercise programs that harp on “You’ll lose all this weight!” but you are really just burning and losing muscle for energy.  Build muscle, get toned, and doing it the…

Add Some Spice to Your Basic Workouts

Doing 6 workouts of 5 straight sets and the same reps for each set; after a while you get bored and your muscles adapt and get bored too.  Spice things up.  Adjust how you workout, switch around the type of sets, weights and reps, throw in some different workouts.  Keep yourself motivated and your muscles…